8. Creating Custom Exercises with Any Clip on Youtube

Creating Custom Exercises with any clip on Youtube

Step 1: Creating Custom Exercises with any clip on Youtube

Step 2: Search on Youtube and find the clip you want

Step 3: Copy the URL from the browser address bar

Step 4: Click to 'create custom exercise'

Step 5: Give it a name, type and some simple text instructions

Step 6: Paste the Youtube URL into the video embed field

Step 7: You can complete any of the optional category fields to help with searching for the exercise later

Step 8: Save the pop-up form

Tips for creating your own videos

Step 1: Unless you are experienced with video editing or want to learn then far and away the easiest way to get your own filmed clips into custom exercises is to upload them to a Youtube account.

Step 2: Create your own Youtube account

Step 3: Film your exercise as best as you can. Pay attention to getting good lighting and framing the shot well.

Step 4: Many phones or tablets will allow you to upload straight to a Youtube account from the device.

Step 5: Consider who you want to have access to your exercise clips. If you only want clients in ptEnhance to see them then set the Youtube clip to 'unlisted'. Then only those with a link, which a custom exercise provides, can see them. No one unwanted will find them in a Youtube or Google search.