15. Adding Acute Variables: Sets, reps, Intensity, Tempo and Rest Periods

Learn the steps on Adding Acute Variables: Sets, reps, Intensity, Tempo, and Rest Periods.

Step 1: In your program section builder you will be able to see the sections that make up the program and the exercises within those sections.

Step 2: There are icons and color codes that would distinguish each type of exercise. For example, the blue icon is for stretching exercises

Step 3: The red icon is for cardio exercises. If you would compare the fields from stretching and cardio they are both different.

Step 4: The green icon is for intensity exercise. The field is also different from the stretching exercise however it is almost close with cardio exercise.

Step 5: To add the data for the sets, reps, tempo and rest you just need to click on the edit button on the lower left hand side of the exercise.

Step 6: Once the section is in edit mode you will now be able to input data within each of the field. 

Step 7: For example, you can add 1 set, 1 repetition, 60 seconds tempo and then 60 seconds rest.

Step 8: Once done you can click save and it will save all of the data that you have entered on each field.

Step 9: You'll notice that the stretching section has a different variable as compared to cardio and resistance. For instance, the stretch section doesn't have an intensity field while the cardio and resistance have it. 

Step 10: You can turn the cardio exercise into edit mode. If you hover on each field you will see that there is a pop up with instructions, it will show the type of entry or format you can input that the system understands. So with cardio intensity, it's expecting things like a percentage of max heart rate or beats per minute. 

Step 11: If you enter into edit mode for the resistance exercise section you will also see a pop up on each field with instructions on how you should fill it in.