16. Loading a Saved Workout Schedule from the Schedule Library

Step 1: To load a saved workout schedule from the schedule library. You need to modify an existing program and then go to the workout schedule  

Step 2: Under workout schedule click on load schedule

Step 3: Under Load Saved Schedule there are a lot of schedules that you can pick from. Since we have A and B exercises we pick from AB Schedule

Step 4: Under AB Schedule you can pick on how many sessions you will make per week


Step 5: In this example, I am going to pick 4 sessions per week


Step 6: You can click on the preview to view the workout schedule


Step 7: If you are happy with the schedule you can click on load 


Step 8: Once the schedule is loaded you can click on save 


Step 9: Then you can assign the program now


Step 10: You can assign to a client and then add the date or you can assign to a group