19. Finding and Viewing Assigned Programs

In this tutorial, you will learn how to find and view programs that you have already assigned to clients. 

Step 1: You can rollover the navigation, rolling over programs, and then select assigned programs that will take you to the library of the assigned program.

Step 2: And you'll see a list of all the programs that have ever been assigned in your business, which can get quite long. Once you've been working with clients for a while. They're ordered by the date by default, so the most recently assigned programs will be at the top. Or if you've assigned programs into the future, though, they'll be the top. 


Step 3: The easiest way to find programs that you're looking for, to use the client filter on the side here, so I'm going to look for programs assigned to the client Brandon Demo assessment. 

Step 4: So if I click on his name on the client list, then I'll now only see programs that have been assigned to me with any current program at the top. any upcoming programs, many programs that have been scheduled into the future, and a list of all the past programs that have been assigned to that client. And clicking on the name of anyone of those programs will take me to view that program. 

Step 5: If I look at the programs in the past table here, I can also click on the drop-down to perform actions such as creating a copy of that, or assigning a copy of it to the same client into the future or to another client.