11. Creating Custom Exercises with Instructions, Images and Video

This is how you can create a custom exercise with instructions, images, and video.

Step 1: You can edit an existing exercise by clicking on the three dots beside the exercise and then selecting edit in the menu bar.

Step 2: You can modify the exercise name, keywords, instructions, type, bma rating, movement patterns etc. 


Step 3: To create a new exercise click on the Create New Exercise button 

Step 4: You can put in the exercise name

Step 5: You can add the instructions for the exercise. You just need to click on enter and the asterisk will appear. This asterisk will turn into a bullet point. 


Step 6: You can expand the box under instructions if you need more space by dragging the tip and opening it to expand

 Step 7: The exercise type is a required field. In this example we are going to choose resistance.

Step 8: You can select the video file which needs to be a mpeg4 or  h.264 mpeg4.The reason for the file format is for your clients to be able to view it in different browsers. 

Step 9: You can upload the images for the exercise. The minimum required images is three and the maximum is eight. 


Step 10: You can select the thumbnail by clicking on the image


Step 11: Once done you can click on save.