5. Creating an Exercise Program from Scratch

Step 1: Hover over Programs, then go to “Create New”

Step 2: Create a name for the Program

Step 3: You can customize the section type and change it from resistance into cardio

Step 4: If you want to delete a section you can click on delete section and then click yes on the popup window

Step 5: Now we can add exercises to the exercise section

Step 6: You can select from pt Enhance library

Step 7: You can filter your search of your exercises for example you want to choose stretch

Step 8: Select stretching exercises that you want to add to your program

Step 9: You can now filter exercises if you want to pick resistance exercise, set biomotor ability rating to 13 and you can select the movement pattern. In this example we filtered it to squats and select the resistance exercise that you want to add to your program

Step 10: You can also select exercise by typing in the exercise that your want to look for in the search bar. For example “bent over row”

Step 11: You can now set the number of sets, reps, tempo and rest into your exercises by clicking on edit

Step 12: Input your sets, reps, tempo and rest

Step 13: You can drag and drop exercises from one section to the other

Step 14: You can edit the resistance section to input values for sets, reps, tempo and rest

Step 15: Now you can input the values for the sets, reps, tempo and rest on each of the exercises

Step 16: To create a superset exercise you can click on edit to your exercise section

Step 17: There are two dots on each of the exercise all you need to do is to hover on it to connect the two exercise and create a superset

Step 18: Once you are happy with the program you can click on save now

Step 19: Now you can set your workout schedule

Step 20: You can drag the section of your exercise and then connect it with the schedule where you want it to be

Step 21: In order to easily modify your schedule you can change drag and set it into workout and then change to into copy

Step 22: Now you can easily copy and paste the schedule that you have for your workout accross your workout schedule table

Step 23: Once you are happy with the schedule you can click on save

Step 24: You can assign the program to your client or group

Step 25: There is also another way to load a schedule you can load to a saved one

Step 26: There are ready made schedule with pt enhance you can select which one you like and then click on load

Step 27: Once you are happy with the schedule you can assign the program to and individual or a group

Step 28: Once you have successfully assigned the program you can go to the assigned program and then select the contact you want to assign to program to