7. Creating Workout Schedules

Step 1: Drag and drop exercise section to the days in the week you want them to be performed

Step 2: Change the section to workout and change move to copy

Step 3: If you are happy with the schedule you can click on save and it will be ready to be assigned

Step 4: You can also load a saved schedule in the pt Enhance library by clicking on load saved schedule

Step 5: I have 3 days I am gonna select ABC and assign 4 sessions per week and click load

Step 6: You can still move workouts or section around but if you are happy you can click on save and assign the program

Step 7: You can assign through the sections builder area on the box with three dots or you can assign through the workout schedule. You can choose a client or a group and a start date and click assign. The client will know that they have a new exercise program.