6. Creating a New Program From a Template

To create your program from a template you can follow these steps


Step 1: Hover over Programs, select “Create from Template”



Step 2: Your program will have a default name Untitled Program and it will automatically be saved under unassigned programs.



Step 3: You can rename it and set a short description of the program



Step 4: You can now pick on the template that you want to use. In this example, I am going to pick Movement Development



Step 5: Under Movement Development I am going to pick on Moderate. As you can see there is already a pre-existing workout setup



Step 6: You can use the program settings or you can also modify it


Step 6: You can save and assign the program


Step 7: If you save the program without assigning it, it will go straight to the Unassigned Programs.



Step 7: You can click on the three dots beside the program that you made and then click on assign if you want to assign it




Step 7: You can select the client you want to assign it to, pick the date and then click on assign



Step 8: Then once assigned you will be able to see the program under assigned programs