2. Become a Master at Manual Editing

Here are some steps to make it easy to manually create a Workout Schedule. Try this as an exercise in your PT Enhance business.

Step 1: Create a new program and go to the Workout Schedule tab then..

Step 2: Drag a section onto the calendar

Step 3: Drag on any other sections and drop them above or below in order to make up a workout.

Step 4: Repeat the above steps to build all unique workouts in the first week or two. e.g. You may have three workouts such as A, B & C or S+A, S+B and S+C.

Step 5: Change the settings at the bottom of the calendar to 'drag workouts to copy' then click on a workout and drag it to copy it to the days that workout will be repeated in the following weeks on the program.

Step 6: Save the calendar

Using the Schedule library to load saved schedules

It is common for trainers to use patterns of schedules in terms of how many different workouts are performed in a week or larger microcycle, and how often these are repeated. This shows up in the muscle group splits in bodybuilding programs or movement pattern training in 'functional training' programs.

No matter what school or theories you ascribe to using pre-saved workout schedules is a fast way to create a complete workout schedule with a few clicks. If you label your sections with identifiers 'A', 'B' 'C' etc and 'S' for any stretching section to be done before every workout you can load a schedule from the ptEnhance schedule library. But you can also easily save your own customized schedules into your schedule library. Either way, you can then use the 'load saved plan' button to simply add in a schedule. See the help video 'Loading a Saved Workout Schedule from the Schedule Library' for more info. It is in the 'Exercise Programs' folder of the Help library.