Creating A Custom Questionnaire


Creating A Custom Questionnaire


1. Go to Assessments, then click ‘Questionnaire’ and you will see the “Create New” at the bottom. 


  1. Fill out the details then click ‘Save and Continue Editing'.



There are 4 tabs that are used to build or edit a Custom Questionnaire:

  • The 'Overview' tab and 'Sections & Questions' tab are the main tabs used. 

  • The 'Assign message' tab is used to create a message that is shown to the trainer when the questionnaire is being assigned to a client. 

  • The 'Sections & Questions' is where you add the questions for your custom questionnaire

  • The 'Reports' tab is used to add reports to a Custom Questionnaire provided appropriate question types that allow for reports that have been used on the 'Sections & Questions' tab.

The general structure of the form builder provides a 'palette' of display fields and question and report types on the left-hand side of the screen and a 'canvas' area on the right. Display fields, question types, and report types are dragged onto the palette to build up the overview, sections & questions, and reports parts of a Questionnaire or Assessment. Each dragged item adds a mini form to the canvas that can then be completed or edited and saved.

Adding Sections

 On the 'Sections & Questions' tab click the 'Add section' button. Give the section a title and save it. You can then drag question types to the section. To edit a section you can select it from the drop-down at the top right of the Form Builder.




Previewing Your Custom Questionnaire

Click the 'preview' button from any of the 4 tabs; 'Overview', 'Assign Message', 'Sections & Questions', or 'Reports' to be taken to the preview screens. The screens are basically the same as you would see when viewing a questionnaire or assessment that has not been assigned. 

You are not able to complete answers whilst previewing however you are able to navigate between the sections to view the questions and move between the Overview screen and sections.


  • Make sure to click Save before going to another section, clicking on another tab (Overview, Assign a message, Sections & Questions, Reports), or clicking on the Forward/Backward buttons