Reviewing a Client's Finalized Questionnaire and Report

Reviewing a Client's Finalized Questionnaire and Report


In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to review a completed questionnaire that a client has filled out after you've assigned it to them. 


1. From your dashboard, you will see a summary of the recently assigned questionnaires divided into two tabs, the Uncompleted and the Recently Completed questionnaires.


2. Recently Completed questionnaires are the ones that have been finalized by your clients. If a client says that she has completed the assigned questionnaire but it's still not showing as Completed on your end, you may need to remind your clients that they have to click on Finalize after answering all of the questions. Once they click on Finalize, they won't be able to make changes to their answers anymore.

3. An email will be sent to you to notify you that the questionnaire has been completed by your client:


4. Once the questionnaire is completed, the option to review the answers and access the reports section of the questionnaire will be available for you