4. Creating Programs in ptEnhance

Main Concepts to Understand

Step 1: Programs in ptEnhance are made up of 'sections'.

Step 2: These sections are then combined into 'workouts' which are scheduled on the program calendar.

Step 3: Exercises are added to the sections and can be grouped into supersets or circuits. You add acute variables such as sets, reps, tempo, intensity, and rest period to each exercise.

Step 4: A workout can have one section or more than one section.

Step 5: The sections of a program are created on the 'Section Builder' tab.

Step 6: The schedule of workouts is created on the 'Workout Schedule' tab.

Using Templates as Building blocks can fast track programming

Step 1: Save an entire program as a template. You can then assign a copy to a client and make any edits to add, delete or change exercises.

Step 2: Create a program from scratch then use the 'replace section' button on each section to add in a section from any template. This means you can do things like combining the Core section from one template program, the Chest and Shoulders section from another, and the Squat workout section from a third all into the same program with just a few clicks.

Step 3: Use a 'Program Starter Template' to easily begin with the right number of sections and scheduled workouts then add in your exercises or complete sections.