8. Viewing and creating a program from a Template Program From the Library

Follow these steps to view a template program from the library

Step 1: Click on Programs in the navigation menu and then click on Template Programs. There are two sections under the template programs. The first one is “My Template Programs”, which are the programs that you have created. The second section is PT Enhance template programs.

In this example, I am going to select Core Conditioning moderate demand.  Click the 3 dots to the right of the program name. Yo can view copy and edit or assign a copy form that point.



Step 6: Once you have selected the template, to assign with edits you would click copy and edit to assign a copy without changing it click assign a copy. You mostly likely want to view first so click view and you will see the program. From that point there are 3 dots on the right of the screen clicking gives you the options again to copy and edit or assign a copy.


Step 7: Aside from the premade program there is also a premade schedule that would be loaded into your program. You can use it and assign it to your clients or you can modify it depending on your clients’ needs.