3. The Quick Guide to Writing Programs Fast

  1. When you create a program from scratch the program starts with the section types and names you used in your last program. (The last program saved as a template or assigned to a client).

  2. If the sections from your last program suit the program you are about to write then move on. Otherwise, you may want to create a copy of a 'Program Starter Template' to create a program that has the number of sections you want along with a workout schedule. You can of course create and saved Program Starter templates of your own with the sections, names, and workout schedules that you commonly use. Chances are if you are like most trainers you use 3-5 or so of these the majority of the time even if the exercises in the workouts vary. So setting these up will take you 5-15 minutes or so, once.

  3. To add exercises into your sections a fast way is to use the 'replace section' feature to add in sections from a template program. If you haven't saved many of your own templates yet try this as a learning exercise by adding in sections from ptEnhance templates.

  4. Once you have added in sections from templates, your own, or ptEnhance templates you can try using the edit feature in the section to delete or add exercises with others that may better suit that particular client.


Get Paid for the Hours You Work

  1. Consider promoting and selling packages of a program plus instruction sessions updated every 4 to 8 weeks. Use your template program system to create template programs that address the most common goals you see in your gym or area. For example, female physique training, bodybuilding, over 40s fitness, back health.

  2. Write the program once then charge a program design fee each time you sell it to a new client. A good rule of thumb is 50-150% of your hourly rate for a programming fee.

  3. You can of course sell the client instruction sessions to teach them the exercises or train them through the workouts in the program at least once. A rule of thumb here would be one session for each different workout of the program.

  4. These kinds of programs can serve as low-cost alternatives to enable more people to access your expertise and services. Often this can also lead to clients upgrading to spend more time with you.

  5. As a step up from the above, sell more individualized assessment, program design, and instruction session packages. If you would like some sample ideas click here to download a pdf document with template Fitness Coaching Package structures.

  6. Many trainers choose to waive any program design fee for regular or long term clients. There are probably arguments for and against this practice. But we would suggest if you plan to do that consider carefully how often a client should see you to get this benefit. For example, at least 2-3 times per week might be the threshold you decide on giving free programs. We would also recommend that you make the client aware of the program design fee that you normally charge but let them know they you are waiving it for them and why.