Step 1: Write down three program types you want to write based on common goals e.g. Fat Loss, Female Physique, Back Health, etc.
Step 2: Write up an 'end-stage' program of 4-8 weeks that in your experience a person would need to be able to do after achieving the goal from step 1.
Step 3: Create 3-5 descended programs that could be used as stepping stone programs to train up to the standard of the program in step 2. Besides modifying the frequency, workout volume, and intensity, the BMA rating can be a good way to descend the programs. Using the same movement patterns or muscle groups replace an exercise with an exercise 2-3 points lower on the total BMA rating.
Step 4: You may choose to make all levels of programs available and allow clients to purchase the one they think suits them. Another option is to make all clients start with the first program and only offer the later stage programs to those that have gone through the earlier stages. You could also create a questionnaire that the client completes after purchase and use it to determine the best starting program for the client out of the series. They then progress through the higher programs from that starting point.
Step 5: Sell the programs for a total dollar amount. 50-100% of your one hour rate for the 4-8 week program can be a good starting point. You can adjust up or down from there based on market feedback. Set the client up with limited access by setting their account to deactivate at the end of the program. Set yourself a reminder to contact the client to see how they are going at the end of the program and sell the next program in the series to them.
Step 6: Get the word out through advertising, flyers, walking the floor talking to members, whatever works in your area. Getting names and email addresses and adding them to a Mailchimp campaign can be a great way to increase your exposure and market these programs.