6. Assigning Client Resources
In this tutorial, we're going to look at assigning a client educational resource to a client.
We're on the educational resources, client education tab here, which as a recap, you can get to using the navigation item here education and client education. And then making sure that you select the tab client education.
There's two libraries, there's the my resources library and the ptenhance resources that you selected. Now, if we click to the other one, it'll change blue to be selected.
We want the ptenhance library at the moment. There's videos, documents, audios and web pages sections, and we're going to assign one of the foundational principles, video clips.
So we can select that resource. If you if you're doing more than one at a time, let's do to actually take introduction to foundation principles. And Principle number one, you can if you're doing a single assign just like the other parts of the system, you can use a drop down action from that item.
Or if you're doing more than one at a time, and you want to use a bulk action, use the drop down at the top here.
And you will see that there's two options you can assign to a client or a group, which means individually to one or more clients or one or more groups.
Or there's an option, which we refer to assign to everyone, which essentially means that you're publishing not only to everyone who's a current client in your ptenhance business now, but anyone who becomes a client as well.
Anything that gets assigned to everyone is generally going to be the type of resource that you always want people to see. So soon as you create a client a new client account, they will also have automatic access to those resources.
But in this case, we're going to do one and assign to a client. Similarly to when assigning a questionnaire or program, you have a pop up that gives you tabs for clients and groups.
And we just going to choose a single client here or you can use select all if you're actually wanting to do all current clients, and then click assign.