1. Creating an Active Client Account

Step 1: Hover over members


Step 2: Click on add client or contact


Step 3: Set the Account Type as an active client

Step 4: There is an option to automatically deactivate a client and you can set a date of when it will be deactivated but you can skip this step if you do not want to cancel a client

Step 5: You can fill in the personal details with first and last name which is a required field

Step 6: Enter their email which is a required field


These fields are optional, you can fill it out or your clients can fill it out

Step 1: You can enter their gender

Step 2: You can enter their birthdate

Step 3: You can upload their photo and click on browse

Step 4: You can enter their emergency contact information

Step 5: You can enter their contact information

Step 6: You can enter their work details

Trainer Access Settings

Step 1: In the trainer access permission if you are a single trainer then the default trainer will be you. If you have multiple trainers in the system then you can select who the default trainer is for that client account.

Step 2: When they sign in to their client account they will be able to see the trainer's photo who was assigned to them

Step 3: You can also give access to other trainer by adding it to the trainer access

Step 4: You can also assign a group to that client or add a new group

Step 5: Once it is all filled out you can click on save

Step 6: You can check on the member list to check if the member has been successfully created