4. Adding Credit to Service Balance

NOTE: If the payment was made outside of ptEnhance the appointment would be debited in their account. In order to resolve that you can add credits in their account on the moment the payment was made.

The payment system within ptEnhance is paypal. For cash, check and direct debit card payments, they are done manually.

Since the transaction was manual and no payment was made within the system it will automatically be debited to your clients account.

In order to fix this the best thing to do is when customer gives you cash payment or any form of payment outside the system. You can credit those hours in their account manually so that your client would not get a negative balance notification.

1.  Click on calendar then service balances

2. Scroll down under service balances

3. Then click on change client balances

4. Select your client name, mode of transaction, amount, services, credit, number of hours to be credited and once done click on confirm

5. Go to calendar, settings then make sure to uncheck send notification emails when appointments are completed/service balance is adjusted

This will get rid of the email notification.