Custom Domain and CSS

Where to find the tutorial on adding a custom domain and uploading a custom CSS

Custom Domain


To set up your custom domain please follow these steps:

Step 1. Log in to your domain management account and create an 'A record' for the domain without www e.g. '' and point it to the IP of the server which is Contact your domain registrar's support if you need help with this.

Step 2. Also, create a 'CNAME' record for '' and point it to your custom'.

Step 3. Send an email to so that we can enable your new custom domain.


Custom CSS


Using the Custom CSS FeatureThe Custom CSS feature is an advanced feature. Most users can ignore this. However, if you have the help of a web designer and would like to modify the colors and fonts of your marketing site beyond the options available in the ptEnhance themes you can refer to the info below to assist with this. The Custom CSS feature basically allows you to create your own theme instead of using a ptEnhance theme. It allows you to change the style elements such as fonts and colors of your front-end marketing website. It does not change your signed-in trainer or client portal. The colors in the header region of your signed-in portals can be changed using the fields on the 'website>colors and layouts' page which become active when the Custom CSS option is selected.
  1. To generate a Custom CSS file your Web Designer can use the CSS @import rules to import the stylesheet of your business's current theme (or any other ptEnhance theme), like so:
    @import URL(
  2. This will import the blue variant of theme 1.
  3. Themes go from theme1 to theme8. Colors are brown, black, green, orange, red, violet, yellow. Just replace theme1 in the example with the possible values for the theme and blue with the possible colors.
  4. Changes can then be made to the styles in this CSS file and it can be uploaded to the Custom CSS field on the 'website>colors and layouts' page. Remember to save the page.
  5. For any further questions about the Custom CSS feature please email or use the 'feedback and questions' link at the top right of your trainer portal pages to contact us.