Go to Contacts ⇨ Fields and you'll be able to see all the fields that you created in Autonami here.

You can even change the position of these attributes by dragging and dropping them around. Changing the field positions lets you see your contact's profile in the very same order.

As you drag and drop them, Autonami will automatically save the order of your attribute.

Fields in Autonami

Furthermore, you have the option of creating new fields, tags, and lists right from here based on your usage.

If you want to create a field, select Add New.

Adding new fields in Autonami

Now, fill in the field name’s details, field type, and the group you want it to associate with.

You can create different types of fields within Autonami:

  • Text input
  • Text number
  • Text area
  • Drop-down
  • Radio button
  • Checkboxes
  • Date

Your field will get created.

Editing and Deleting the Field Attributes

You can also edit or delete any attributes by clicking on the Action ⋮ button next to them.

Edit or Delete fields in Autonami

Clicking on edit will take you to the edit field section. Click on the Save button once you're done with the changes.

Edit the field

Clicking on the delete button will ask for a confirmation to remove this field. When you press the Confirm button, it’ll remove this attribute.

Confirmation to delete fields in Autonami

Similarly, you can add/modify/delete attributes in Lists and Tags as well.